There is a Kingdom of great acclaim and power within our borders. Ås the longtime Queen of this Kingdom, I welcome you to enter through the alluring gates which beckon you into The Land of Doing More.
I have many heirs and courtesans; my legacy will pass to a voluminous number of worthy souls. My reign here inspires others. You see, The Kingdom has millions of citizens. The numbers of Titled Nobility are plentiful. Those who serve this Kingdom do so willingly with great, burning desire and a commitment of energy and focus that earns them acclaim and much-sought-after badges of honor. Those who sacrifice ALL for The Kingdom have knighthood bestowed upon them. More people find their place here, live and die here in this sacred place, than any other.
Its credo is simple: ‘Do More, Get More.’ ‘Do More Faster, Get More Faster.’ Accomplish things in superhuman fashion and transform into a Super Hero with ‘More’ than you ever thought possible. The Kingdom expects you to Sacrifice ALL. When you do, you will have the most ornate and impervious coat of armor and a spectacularly bejeweled lance. You will impress. You will be admired. Your plot in The Land of Doing More will be forever yours.
I personally assumed reign of this Land in my very early 20’s. And, I Did More and Received More and Worked More getting oh so much MORE: Success, status, capability, endurance and a ‘to accomplish’ list that would make even the most doing of doer’s gasp. I was awarded a lifetime toll pass on the speed-limitless superhighway of ‘I-DM’ (Interstate Do More). The Commodities of Great Power, its Crown Jewels, were strongly safeguarded in my Queenly Coffers: Exhaustion, burn-out, stress, anxiety, scarce resources of spirit, bountiful self-doubt, ravages on self-worth, slippage of time and loss of joy. These are but a few of those jewels that were inlaid in my crown.
Willingly and knowingly, I secede this crown. I am called to rule a new land, The Land of Bounty, Beauty and a Life Worth Living. Join me in this journey. The treasures that await are infinitely grand!
In bounty, beauty and Grace, I await your arrival,
(The Queen)